Society For Technology & Development
a Non Government Organization

1. Standardization of protocols for in vitro micropropagation of Cherry rootstocks

Cherry Rrootstocks

4. Standardization of protocols for in vitro micro-propagation of Cherry rootstocks

The organization has made the standardization of media for initiation of in vitro cultures and in vitro cultures of Gisela have been established. Effect of growth regulators on in vitro multiplication of Cherry rootstocks was made and further multiplication media has standardized Evaluation of different types and concentrations of growth regulators on in vitro rooting of Cherry rootstocks. The Rooting media has been standardized Studies of platelets under poly house conditions. The plantlets has been hardened and distributed among farmers in 3 locations. The final progress report of the project along with audit report has been submitted with Statement of Expenditure. The final Group Monitoring Workshop has been completed and progress made under YSP is already been presented. The existing lab at Bhadyal has been given on lease to Dr Shilpa Sharma for 15 years @ Rs 2000 with inclusion of staff.

Copyright Society for Technology & Development 2021.